Monday, December 14, 2009

How to Calculate Rollover Interest?

In the Foreign Exchange Market or Forex market, Rollover is a method of stretching the arranged clearing date or what is known as the settlement date of an open position. Mostly, in common currency trades, trades ought to be completed in two business days and traders who wish to stretch their positions with no intention of settlement must close their positions before 5:00 in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time on the date of settlement day, plus re-opening of them the next trading day. This means by rolling over the position, this at the same time closes the existing positions at the daily close rate and again coming into a new opening rate at the next trading day. This precisely means that the trader is indirectly extending the settlement day by one more day.
This is also known as tomorrow next strategy, it is functional in forex due to many traders have no purpose of getting delivery of the currency they buy but instead they have the intention of getting profit from fluctuating exchange rates. Since rollovers shove out the settlement by another two trading days, it may cause a gain or a cost to the trader depending on the existing rates.
Apparently, Rollover is when you reinvest funds from a mature security into a new issue of the similar security or same security. You are transferring the holdings of one retirement plan to another without the agony of tax effects. Plus a charge is incurred by Forex investors who extend their positions on the following delivery date.
Rollover interest is the net effect of the money borrowed by an investor to purchase another currency and such interest is paid on the borrowed currency and earned on the purchased currency. To calculate this interest, you should get the short-term interest rates on both currencies, the existing exchange rate of the currency pair and the number of the currency pair purchased. For instance, an investor possesses 15,000 CAD/USD. The present rate is 0.9155, the short term interest rate on the Canadian dollar (base currency) is 4.50% plus the short term interest on the US dollar (quoted currency) is 3.75%, so the interest would be $33.66 [{15,000 x (4.50% - 3.75%)} / (365 x 0.9155)].
If on the contrary, the short term interest rate on the base currency is lower than the short term interest rate of the borrowed currency, the interest rate would result into a negative number which may reduce the value of the investor’s account. Such interest can be avoided by taking a closed position on the currency pair. If an option is about to expire is quite favorable to grip, you can either buy or sell the later expiring option. Always note the interest rate that is paid by a currency trader or he may received in the course of these forex trades is considered by the IRS as ordinary interest income or expense. For taxation, the trader of the currency should always keep track the interest received or paid, separate from regular trading gains or losses.

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